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the food lover's cafe

Ishwar’s appreciation of nature’s diversity and his endless
experimentation in the kitchen and garden are the driving forces
in his passion. Ishwar leads the

Menu created for the foodies at heart

Super fresh &
made on site


A progression of rare and beautiful ingredients where texture, flavor and harmony is paramount. Dalve further into Gigil’s imagination of gourmet desserts and curated menus. To strike the balance with the culinary pulse of the city, we offer an extensive menu to make sure that every diner can find that “one dish” that makes the dining out experience worth while.

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 Faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci. Sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus. Nulla aliquet enim tortor at. Nunc consequat interdum varius sit.


A progression of rare and beautiful ingredients where texture, flavor and harmony is paramount. Dalve further into Gigil’s imagination of gourmet desserts and curated menus. To strike the balance with the culinary pulse of the city, we offer an extensive menu to make sure that every diner can find that “one dish” that makes the dining out experience worth while.

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